To Our Visitors
We are proud to announce that we’ve updated our website to better serve you and all of your firearm needs. Our new website and brand reflects our classic reliability with a more approachable and up to date design. We’re still providing the same one to one service and quality you’re used to. Thank you for continuing to patronize our small business as we grow.

Fine Selection of Original Wood
Take a look at our stocks, forearms, and grips

About CFN Parts
This web site was designed primarily to be a source for obsolete American manufactured firearms parts but includes collectible firearms, vintage ammunition, and a variety of other related items as well. It is our goal to provide you with a web site that is easy to maneuver through, an informative description of what you are purchasing, and delivery of a product that accurately represents what you purchased from us. If you have any questions about our products, please do not hesitate to call or email us.
We are a small but growing company that welcomes ideas which may provide a better product or service to our customers.
In God We Trust